Series: Church: The Pillar and Foundation of Truth

Men and Women in Worship: Part 1

February 23, 2025 | Zach Schlegel
Passage: 1 Timothy 2:8-10

Men and women are different - Not just in terms of biology, but in our responsibilities, communication, etc.? In scripture, God’s design for manhood and womanhood comes with clarity and purpose. (Genesis 1:27) We are created equal, but there are God-ordained differences. These are complementary differences with a common goal, purpose, and aim to fill the earth with the glory of God.

The church plays a role in this aim. Most instructions in scripture are given to men and women, but sometimes, there are gender specific instructions. Some people will read this text and think that Paul was giving random musings as a grumpy old man. However, they are not random. These instructions are liberating.

In the context of what we’ve already read in 1 Timothy chapter one, the false teachers were emphasizing certain myths and speculation. They were misusing God’s law. They were telling the people that there was a list of rules to keep in order to gain favor with God. Paul’s concern is that the church guards the gospel which should not be exchanged for a self-righteousness that relied on performance.

The world emphasizes performance - the better you perform, the more value you have. This value is based on competition and comparison. When performance determines individual value, it creates problems, restricting our freedom to love others because of comparison and competition. Envy and strife follow competition.

When we believe the gospel, our value is not determined by performance. It is determined by what God says of us. We are fully loved by God. When we realize this, we have something radically different from the world. (1 Timothy 3:15-16) We are brought together by the grace of Jesus Christ. The church is essential in calling the nations to Himself.

Sermon Outline
1. Men - pray with gospel humility. Vs. 8
2. Women - adorn yourselves with true beauty. Vs. 9-10

Series Information

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