Series: A Life of Worship: Giving Time, Talent, & Treasure

Giving Treasure as Worship

August 18, 2024 | Jay Crandell
Passage: Matthew 6:19-24

The treasures of this world are uncertain and fleeting. Such pleasures will all be lost one day; they are not eternal. Don’t let the riches of this world become what you worship.

Work is the productive use of our time and talent and a common means of grace whereby we honor one another with the fruit of our labor. Our attitude toward work is an expression of worship. We can worship God 24/7/365 for our entire life. We either worship God or someone or something else. What are you worshiping? Who are you serving?

Bad theology on wealth and giving has resulted in false teaching. This topic is a serious matter to God. In Matthew chapter six, Jesus is exposing the false worship of hypocrites. He contrasts this righteousness with true righteousness. True acts of righteousness are an outpouring of being made righteous by God through repentance and faith in Christ. This is where true righteousness begins. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Sermon Outline
1. What are you treasuring in your heart? Vs. 19-21
2. What are your eyes perceiving as valuable? Vs. 22-23
3. Who are you serving? Vs. 24

Series Information

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