Series: A Life of Worship: Giving Time, Talent, & Treasure

Giving Talents In Service

August 11, 2024 | Mike Rogers
Passage: Romans 12:1-8

“You’re gonna have to serve somebody.” We all answer to someone. Regardless of your social standing,
ethnicity, age or gender, we all worship or serve somebody. How do you know who you are worshiping? It is
often apparent by following the trail of how you use your time, talent, and treasure. Ask yourself, “does the
way I used these precious gifts reflect the life of one that is dedicated to the service of the King of kings? All
too often we find that we serve ourselves.

How can you, as a Christian, honor God with your life and have a heart of service and worship to Him, rather
than getting caught up in the worship and service of the world? In today’s passage, the apostle Paul calls us
to two broad goals and then shows us three specific ways that you and I can practically work toward teach
of these goals.

Sermon Outline
1. Dedicate yourself in serving Do. Vs. 1-2
2. Dedicate yourself to humble service to one another. Vs. 3-8

Series Information

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