Series: A Life of Worship: Giving Time, Talent, & Treasure

Called to Be Holy

July 07, 2024 | Timothy Isaacs
Passage: 1 Peter 1:13-21

In life, we will experience periods of turbulence - times in which we feel like we are being tossed around by the storms of life. This produces fear, anxiety, stress, and confusion which can consume us. What do we do when the storms of life come? Who do we hold on to when we feel like we are falling? When life gets hard, we are wired to look for something to stabilize us, to place our hope in and to make us feel secure. We often turn to the wrong things which cannot give us the hope we are looking for. Where is your hope placed? What are you holding onto?

The early church was experiencing great persecution. Peter wrote to the early church that they have a sure and certain hope. This passage speaks to the holy and hopeful life that we live, rooted in a true Savior. A Christian life is a life marked by true hope that results in genuine holiness.

Sermon Outline
1. A hopeful life is marked by right thinking. Vs. 13
2. A hopeful life is marked by right living. Vs. 14-17
3. A hopeful life is marked by right believing. Vs. 18-21

Series Information

Other sermons in the series

Called to Be Holy

July 07, 2024

In life, we will experience periods of turbulence - times in which we feel like we are...

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