September 01, 2024 | Zach Schlegel
Passage: Revelation 18:1-24
Instinctively, we admire greatness. We want to watch great athletes, hear great concerts, eat great food, and
experience great scenery. This is instinctive to us because we were created by God to be encouraged by and
swept up in His greatness.
In a fallen world, Satan has and is deceiving you by telling you that greatness is to be found in yourself. Satan
wants you to believe that joy is found by putting yourself first. Yet God’s good gifts are not an end unto
themselves, they are meant to point us back to God and His greatness. He alone can satisfy our souls with His true
The problem is that we are born into sin. Our default is to look for greatness in putting self first. Do you feel the
inclination in your heart to put yourself and not God first? This path leads to discontentment. How do we get back
on the right path that leads to contentment?
Sermon Outline
1. Be sober minded about greatness. Vs. 1 – 3
2. View greatness from a Heavenly perspective. Vs. 4-19
3. Rejoice in hope. Vs. 20-24