January 21, 2024 | Zach Schlegel
Passage: Revelation 2:1-7
Revelation 2:1-7
Being in a marital relationship with another person is a result of deep love. We are meant to have the same kind of relationship with God. Just as the love of a spouse is more than merely having a marriage license, Christianity is more than just a ticket to heaven. Yet many Christians treat it just that way. Is Jesus ok with this? This passage answers this question for us.
The entire book of Revelation is a letter to be read in its entirety. Chapters 2 and 3 are letters to specific churches with a message from Jesus. The message was meant for a specific church, but all the churches would have seen the other letters. When we read these seven letters, we need to remember who is speaking. It is Jesus - the glorious, awesome, knee-knocking vision we saw in chapter one. We do well to sit up and listen carefully to what Jesus is saying.
Each of the letters share a common pattern:
• Each letter begins with a recipient - “to the angel of the church…” The audience is clear - the churches.
• Each letter mentions something about Jesus that we saw from the glorious vision from chapter one.
• Each letter has Jesus’ evaluation of the church - what is going well and what is not.
• Each letter offers encouragement and/or a call to repent.
• Each letter invites us to hear. “He who has ears to hear…”
• Each letter has a promise.
Sermon Outline
To become overcomers:
1. Hold fast to the truth. Vs. 1-3
2. Rekindle lost love. Vs. 4-7
Series Information