May 05, 2024 | Welton Bonner
Passage: Colossians 1:9-14
You can tell a lot about someone by the content of their prayers. From their prayers, you can also tell what their priorities are. You can tell when someone’s priority is for God’s glory, but you can also tell when someone’s focus is on self if they always pray for health, wealth, and prosperity. It tells us that their view of God is of someone they can control.
What have your prayers said about your priorities lately? What do your prayers say about your view of God? Paul prioritized spiritual maturity in his prayer life, and so should we. What are the right priorities in our prayer lives? What should we be praying for?
Sermon Outline
1. We should pray to be filled with knowledge. Vs. 9
2. We should pray to walk worthy. Vs. 10-12
3. We should Praise God in our prayers. Vs. 13-14
Series Information