Series: Praying With Paul

Praying for discernment

April 21, 2024 | Tyrone Moorehead
Passage: Philippians 1:3-11

It is critical for each member of the body of Christ to work together for a common goal. To win the race, we must act as a single entity working together. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is a call to partnership - a shared commitment to the gospel. It isn’t just about being in the same boat but working together under the guidance and instruction of Christ.

If Paul is giving this encouragement to a church that he desires to see together, how are we as a church growing together in Christ? Are we in sync or are we each rowing at our own pace and in our own direction? How can we actively cultivate a true partnership in the gospel?

Sermon Outline
1. We must encourage gospel commitment. Vs. 3-5
2. We are to develop partnerships of grace. Vs. 6-8
3. We are to be fruitful in the righteousness of Christ. Vs. 9-11

Series Information

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