May 07, 2023
Passage: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
The Suffering Servant– May 7, 2023
The book of Isaiah is broken into two chunks. Chapters 1 - 39 are a long message about God’s judgment on
Israel for their disobedience. In chapters 40 – 66, there is a sudden turn. The message of judgment turned into
a message of comfort, hope and salvation. Though they are going into exile, God will bring them out and
ultimately, God will send His Servant to deliver them.
The Servant will establish justice (Isaiah 42). The whole world would hear the message of salvation. This Servant
will experience humiliation, rejection and suffering. (Isaiah 49) This passage talks about that suffering as well as
the reason for the suffering. The suffering of God’s servant for the sins of His people is the defining act through
which God would save the world.
Sermon Outline
1. The Servant’s Life Isaiah 52:12-53:3
2. The Servant’s Death Isaiah 53:4-11
3. The Servants Resurrection Isaiah 53:12
Series Information