April 14, 2024 | Zach Schlegel
Passage: Revelation 5:1-14
To view the eclipse this week, you needed to wear protective glasses because of the brightness of the sun. In the same way, we need spiritual lenses to see the heavenly realm that is around us right now. Often, we think that what we see with our physical eyes is all there is to see. John gave us spiritual lenses to view our lives from a heavenly perspective.
In chapter four, we see God on His throne – It shows us God as our Creator. As created beings, we exist to worship God. In Genesis we see that Adam and Eve had perfect fellowship with God. Then in Genesis three, their sin created hostility between us and God. That is the bad news. If this almighty God is in your corner, that is good. But if this almighty God is opposed to you, that is terrifying. Sin has left this world broken, in sorrow, in sickness, pain, and groaning under the curse of sin. How can we move from weeping to worship?
Sermon Outline
1. Scene One: A Problem in Heaven vs. 1-4
2. Scene Two: The Victorious Lamb vs. 5-7
3. Scene Three: Weeping becomes Worship vs. 8-14