January 05, 2025 | Joel Kurz
Passage: John 2:1-11
Have you ever missed an important sign? Maybe you missed your exit because you didn’t see the directional sign, or you got a ticket because you didn’t see a speed limit sign. A sign is given to us for a purpose. If we miss the sign we are not absolved of our responsibility. This miracle at Cana was a sign.
Why do we miss signs? We miss signs because we are simply not paying attention. We miss signs because of our ego. We miss signs because we don’t believe what the sign says. We miss signs because we believe the sign itself is the destination. Here, we see a sign that Jesus gives us. It is possible that some might come to Jesus just to “get the wine,” but Jesus IS the wine. He is the destination. The signs point to greater spiritual realities so that we might believe.
Previously in the book of John, we see that Jesus had gathered His disciples. Now, He was giving them a sign so that might be confident that they were following the right person. This was a wedding - a time of joy, life, love. This was the story into which we are drawn. At a wedding, the groom was responsible for having enough wine for all to partake in during the days of celebration. If they ran out, it would have brought great shame to the groom and subsequently, to the bride and her family.
Jesus was being directed by His Father. We are about to see a sign. This sign is given so thy we might believe that Jesus is the Christ. You don’t want to miss Jesus, but in our flesh, it is possible to do just that. What does it mean to believe? Here are three lessons in believing.
Sermon Outline
1. Trust Jesus with your problem. Vs. 1-5
2. Follow Jesus with your actions. Vs. 6-8
3. Entrust Jesus with your life. Vs 9-11
Series Information